MEANS V13 for
since 1989

FEM System MEANS V13 with many new Features
- MEANS (Mechanical Analysis System) is a general purpose Finite Element pogram and is used in civil & mechanical engineering, research & development since 1989.
- For the automatic and semi-
automatic mesh generation and results evaluation, MEANS offers modern and efficient pre- and postprocessors, running under Windows 10 and 11 and DirectX11 from Microsoft. - The main profit of MEANS is the relation of extensive calculations together with comfortable pre-
and post- procesessing to the small purchase costs.
MEANS V13 Capacity
The MEANS capacities covers FEM/FEA solutions at low cost with many analysis features comparable to the large commercial systems.
- Plane and spatial structures
- Solid models
- Axisymmetric solids
- Stationary/transient heat
- Dynamics and vibrations
- Beam-
Shell- Solid element connections - Multi-
Point- Constraints- Elements (MPC- Elements) - Calculate loads and boundary conditions to a point in the space
- Fully automatic conversion of CAD data (STL, STEP, IGES, DXF)
- Nonlinear, Buckling and Contact-